Sometimes it’s good to take your own inventory. Not in a judgmental way. Not in a way that is putting yourself down, but in a way that lifts you up.
How are you currently fulfilling the greatest version of you?
How could you more fully live in the integrity of who you truly are?
It’s good to have ideals to go towards. You never completely realize an ideal, but if you consistently reorient yourself in the right direction, over and over, day after day, you will find new levels of mastership in your life.
Recognize your inherent goodness. Know that there is a higher purpose that you can step into. Use that as the foundation to take an honest look at your life. It’s easy to admit to your faults, but acknowledging your own goodness is often more challenging.
Sit down and write down what your life would look like if you were truly expressing from your greatest self.
Then look at your current life.
What does your life look like right now?
Write down the major parts of your life.
What would you like to bring to completion that is on that list?
What would you like to continue (and do better)?
Add what you would like to start that is new to the list.
What would that list look like if you were to be living the greatest version of you?
Contemplating on these questions and doing the exercise of writing the answers can give you clarity towards the direction to orient your focus.
It can be uncomfortable to see where you are at. Your judgments hide in the gap between who you are and who you want to be. Forgiveness fills that gap.
More accurately, forgiveness bridges the gap between who you think you are and who you truly are.
It’s one thing to review your life, it’s quite another to embrace your life. It’s one thing to aspire to the greatest version of you, it’s another to love you as you are. To step up into the greater version of you, you must first embrace and accept who you are just as you are and where you are now.
Just like the story in the Bible of the prodigal son who goes into the world and squanders his life only to come home to the embrace of a forgiving father, you must embrace all the parts of you that have been separate from the center, and welcome them home. You become the forgiving father to the parts inside that have missed the mark, and in that you express the wholeness of your true self in your life.